Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Curing Cancer Using Eastern and Western Medicine

When people speak of “holistic cancer therapy, others would immediately associate it with alternative eastern medicine leaving behind the conventional or western approach to cure cancer. But if you speak of cancer, you want to ensure you get well by trying both the conventional and the alternative approach to cure cancer.

How to cure cancer holistically then involves both western and alternative treatments like homeopathy, detoxification, herbal medicine, enzyme therapy, etc. that are proven cancer busters. Today, advances in conventional as well as alternative medicine have proven potent against cancer, and many patients are saved by undergoing both treatments.
The popular conventional cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy; often, two or all of these treatments are combined together to treat a patient. Your course of treatment will be determined by your body's resistance, your cancer stage as well as the organ affected by cancer.

Although the side-effects are there, they are greatly abated, however, by new discoveries in conventional cancer medicine, and capable oncologists know these new discoveries. But alternative medicine advocates are not left behind when it comes to improvements in how to cure cancer, and the new developments in place are promising.
For example, developments in body detoxification and diet therapy have been proven effective in lessening the side effects of conventional therapy as well as killing cancer cells and preventing them from coming back.

Enzyme therapy on the other hand is used to disable cancer cells' protection against other forms of treatment making them vulnerable to chemo and radio therapies. Intensive cancer nutrition therapy high in fiber and antioxidants has proven potent to stop cancer cells from multiplying, and it also stops the production of blood vessels that nourishes the cancer. These are not the only alternative cancer treatment; there are many more, and knowing all these options will help you reclaim your health.
For cancer patients, how to cure cancer definitely means trying every treatment available to them whether they are conventional or alternative. The nice thing about the two forms of treatment is that they can be given simultaneously to a patient without having contradictory side effects.

Most of them do not counter the other form of treatment so that you can use a combination to combat cancer holistically. That's why there's a growing number of cancer specialist today who believes in the power of alternative medicine and is recommending it to their patients to be tried together with their approach too.