Friday, March 11, 2011

What Is The Yamamoto Cancer Cure And Does It Work?

Over the years there have been many ideas considered to be a cure for cancer. This is the work of a man named Nobuto Yamamoto who is the director of the Division of Cancer Immunology and Molecular Biology.

It was stated to be a one hundred percent effective cure for cancer and has had much controversy around it since then. Of course this has everyone interested because millions of people continue to die from cancer each year.
Researchers have been trying for years to find a cure for cancer and have not been able to do so. Nobuto Yamamoto worked by studying the immune system to see how it works and used this to find his cure. Yamamoto's theory for cancer is a complex one and it involves the use of Gc-MAF. Using this information he found that patients injected with the Gc-MAF could be cured of their disease.
The first actual publications of this study came out over a decade ago, in the year 1997. It was after this when the clinical trials began and Yamamoto's cure for cancer really began to be tested.

The results were actually starting at the beginning because people appeared to be cured of their cancer. Although at first it seemed as though this may be the magical, cure all for cancer there were soon problems found in the makeup of this finding.
One reason was that all the patients who had gone through the trials had actually already used other treatments for cancer before that. This was a huge deal because it meant that there was no way of proving whether it was this treatment or the previous one that actually cured the cancer.

Another problem that was evident was that the researchers who were leading these trials did not even monitor the tumors in the patients properly. They did keep track of the amount of Nagalese in the patients' blood but did not monitor the tumors so they were not able to see how much progress the patients were making.
This cure definitely poses a lot of options for curing cancer. It does make the future of the disease of cancer look a little bit brighter but no one knows for sure whether it actually works or not.

Cancer is a complex disease that is made up of various diseases and so a lot of people do not even believe there is one magic cure all. Cancer is an incredibly complex disease and one that there may possibly be no one magic cure all for.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is The One Minute Cancer Cure A Fact Or Myth?

Cancer is considered as being the most deadly disease in the world. There is currently no actual cure for cancer but there are different treatments that have proven to work quite well.

There is no cure yet for cancer although there is something known as the one minute cancer cure. The one minute cancer cure is actually an alternative medicine product that some people believe is able to cure cancer.
This product works by oxygenating the body. A person with cancer has abnormal cells that are spreading in their body and the oxygenation process is able to remove cancer cells and viruses from the body.

The problem that most people have with this product is they do not believe it could possibly be potent enough to kill off all the cancer cells in someone's body and have them be rid of the disease for good. That is why doctors usually opt for the most serious treatment that is going to get results the fastest.
All cancer treatments are controversial in some way and that is no different with the one minute cancer cure. However, if you take into consideration the other treatments presently available for treating cancer you can see that they are not always effective either.

Many people believe that this one minute cancer cure is not actually able to cure cancer once it has already started to take over the body but that it can keep it at bay. For instance if you were dealing with cancer this means you would want to stick with the treatment you are currently using for your cancer and then once your body went into remission you could use the product to keep it from returning.
Everyone is different and everyone has their own opinion on alternative medicine. If you or someone you love is battling cancer, the best thing you can do is learn more about it.

Just as you would talk to your doctor about conventional medicine and your health in general, you will want to talk to an alternative medicine specialist to find out more on the one minute cancer cure. You can also choose to talk to an alternative medicine specialist who is a professional in the field of alternative medicine.
It is much more popular in Europe and is believed to become more widely used in the Americas soon. When you have cancer or when you have a loved one who is dealing with it and you are trying to find treatment, the most important thing is to make yourself researched.

At least it is relieving to know that there is such promise out there. Learn from others and also take time to educate yourself on the one minute cancer cure and what it is all about.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

IP6 Cancer Cure: Is It Worth Trying?

For anyone dealing with cancer, they know how hard it can be to find a treatment. However, more and more today people are turning to alternative treatments.

However, there are also a number of alternative treatments that have come about for treating cancer and which should at least be considered. There are some huge benefits offered by this cure over others used to treat cancer today.
This was a treatment for cancer that was first discovered centuries ago, in 1855. Only after recent research nearly a decade ago was it found that IP6 was an incredibly effective treatment for cancer.

One of the main advantages the IP6 cancer cure offers is that it is also able to prevent cancer. This is huge compared to most other cancer treatments today.
Not only that but it has also shown as being effective for treating a variety of other health conditions. For the past few years in particular researchers have been working hard to make IP6 one of the most mainstream treatments for cancer.

It works by boosting the Natural Kill cell activity which augments the immune system and fights against the cancer. When taken even before developing cancer it can work to protect the body against it and even when a person's body has gone into remission the IP6 treatment can help to keep the cancer at bay.
It controls and influences the cellular activities in the body. It suppresses the tumors in the body so they are not able to grow and spread.

Because the IP6 cancer cure is an alternative treatment for cancer, it is not one that is often recommended by doctors. Many cancer patients become interested in the IP6 cancer cure after learning about it but find their doctor is not informed on it.
If you or a loved one is interested in learning more about the IP6 cancer cure and possibly starting on it, you will want to talk to a professional in the field. Talk to an alternative medicine specialist or herbalist who will be able to offer you the information and advice you are looking for.

This is someone trained in the field and who will be able to offer the best advice. You need to get the information you need as soon as possible and start on a treatment to hopefully fight the cancer and become cancer free.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Curing Cancer Using Eastern and Western Medicine

When people speak of “holistic cancer therapy, others would immediately associate it with alternative eastern medicine leaving behind the conventional or western approach to cure cancer. But if you speak of cancer, you want to ensure you get well by trying both the conventional and the alternative approach to cure cancer.

How to cure cancer holistically then involves both western and alternative treatments like homeopathy, detoxification, herbal medicine, enzyme therapy, etc. that are proven cancer busters. Today, advances in conventional as well as alternative medicine have proven potent against cancer, and many patients are saved by undergoing both treatments.
The popular conventional cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy; often, two or all of these treatments are combined together to treat a patient. Your course of treatment will be determined by your body's resistance, your cancer stage as well as the organ affected by cancer.

Although the side-effects are there, they are greatly abated, however, by new discoveries in conventional cancer medicine, and capable oncologists know these new discoveries. But alternative medicine advocates are not left behind when it comes to improvements in how to cure cancer, and the new developments in place are promising.
For example, developments in body detoxification and diet therapy have been proven effective in lessening the side effects of conventional therapy as well as killing cancer cells and preventing them from coming back.

Enzyme therapy on the other hand is used to disable cancer cells' protection against other forms of treatment making them vulnerable to chemo and radio therapies. Intensive cancer nutrition therapy high in fiber and antioxidants has proven potent to stop cancer cells from multiplying, and it also stops the production of blood vessels that nourishes the cancer. These are not the only alternative cancer treatment; there are many more, and knowing all these options will help you reclaim your health.
For cancer patients, how to cure cancer definitely means trying every treatment available to them whether they are conventional or alternative. The nice thing about the two forms of treatment is that they can be given simultaneously to a patient without having contradictory side effects.

Most of them do not counter the other form of treatment so that you can use a combination to combat cancer holistically. That's why there's a growing number of cancer specialist today who believes in the power of alternative medicine and is recommending it to their patients to be tried together with their approach too.